Donut Croissant Dough
Donut Croissant Dough Bulk Packaging: Box
Preparation Instructions: Keep frozen until ready to use. Remove desired number of cronuts dough from the carton. Reseal part box and return to freezer immediately. Place desired number of cronuts dough on sheet pan or screen. Defrost completely at room temperature. Proof at 90 F (32 C) and humidity 60% fro 30-40 minutes or until double in size. Let donut dry prior to frying. Fry at 375 F until golden brown on lower side (40-50 sec). Turn donuts quickly and fry to golden brown (40-50 sec). Turn donuts again. Finish by glazing, sugaring or icing. Frying time will vary depending on type of fryer and shop conditions.
Country of Origin:
Kosher Certification
Item Number: D-5816